
Vision - Mission

Energy-related activities are the foundation of the nation's welfare. The IREC contributes to further value creation and increased competence through strong innovation and active knowledge sharing, ensuring further economic, social, and environmental progress.

The key activities of the IREC are to enhance cooperation across members and sectors and to accelerate important improvements and changes to further advance energy-related activities. The industry faces significant domestic and international demands to achieve large and important climate goals.


  • Innovation and development
  • Education, training, and knowledge sharing
  • International Cooperation


  • Promote increased innovation, the establishment of startups, research, and development
  • Strengthen Iceland's image as a country of renewable energy
  • Promote increased value creation, knowledge, and skills of member companies
  • Promote the development and export of specialized products and services and the protection of intellectual property
  • Strengthen the network and information flow between the energy sector, government, and society

Enclosed is the cluster map of the energy sector in Iceland. To build a society like ours, numerous elements must align and work together.
