
Redefine Tomorrow with Geothermal: IGC2024 Sets a New Standard
Redefine Tomorrow with Geothermal: IGC2024 Sets a New Standard
The IGC 2024 Innovation Award goes to Iceland Geosurvey and Blue Spark Energy
The IGC 2024 Innovation Award goes to Iceland Geosurvey and the honorable recognition goes to Blue Spark Energy
Successful general assembly held April 17th at Grand Hotel Reykjavík
A successful general assembly was held April 17th when members came together at Grand Hotel Reykjavik to evalutate its actions and l
Newest cluster member in April is Intellecon ltd
The IGC 2024 Innovation Award
Do you want to highlight your groundbreaking contributions to the geothermal industry and be recognized during our upcoming IGC2024 ?
Iceland Funds ltd. new member of Iceland Renewable Energy Cluster
Newest cluster member in March is the Iceland Fund
Aðalfundur Orkuklasans 2024
Aðalfundur Orkuklasans  verður haldinn 17. apríl nk
Incentive Award
The Inventive Award of IREC 2024 gets Charlotte Barlow from the University of Iceland
New Board 2023-2024
New Board of Directors elected at our annual meeting 2023 in May 17th
Visiting the Eco Business Park in Helguvik
Aðildarfélagar Orkuklasans skoða græna iðngarða sem koma upp í Helguvík á Reykjanesi