Members visits the Eco Business Park in Helguvík


Visiting the Eco Business Park in Helguvik

Last Thursday, the members of IREC went to Helguvík the Eco Business Park. The CEO, Kjartan Eiríksson and the chairman, Þór Sigfússon met the group and shared their vision of this project and opened up for collaboration. It will be great to learn more about this development and we encourage our members to look into the opportunity a place like this can give.

The Iceland Eco-Business Park is situated in one of the richest natural resource areas in Iceland, a global leader in renewable energy where 100% of electricity and heating needs are met with a combination of hydro and geothermal power.

The aim of this visit was to build up bridges between key players, cluster to cluster and open up for new opportunities. It is our hope that this is our first step towards fruitful collaboration.