IREC in Europe - June 2023


Green by Iceland and Business Iceland were organising several events in tree hubs in Europe in June were a focus on geothermal.

Our biggest role was at the event:  "Utilising Geothermal Energy: The Way Forward," held in collaboration with Embassy of Iceland Brussels. On June 8th, professionals from various sectors came together to shed light on the challenges and possibilities of geothermal energy for house heating, with a focus on accelerating its development in Iceland and the Netherlands.

The participants at his event were  Kristjan Andri Stefansson, Iceland's Ambassador in the Netherlands who addressed the guest, the keynote speech was by our managing director Rósbjörg Jónsdóttir,, who provided valuable insights into the geothermal field with further detailed experience in the field shared by  Sigurdur Atli Jonsson, CEO of Arctic Green Energy, Antoine Lochet from BBA//Fjeldco, and Hans Bolscher, CEO of Geothermie Nederland, further enriched the event.

It was great to experience the overwhelming interest in continued collaboration and the tremendous media attention received in the Netherlands. We keep on working together sharing knowledge so we can ensure sustainable development for the coming future.

Tækifæri í Jarðvarma í Evrópu vakna

Orkuklasinn tók þátt í nokkrum viðburðum á vegum Grænvangs og Íslandsstofu í samvinnu við sendiráð Íslands í  Hollandi, Þýskalandi og Póllandi í júní .
Á öllum þessum viðburðum var kastljósinu beint að þeim tækifærum sem felast í jarðvarmanum og hlutverki hans þegar kemur að húshitun m.a.

Viðburðirnir fóru fram í den Haag í Hollandi,  sendiráðinu í Berlín og sendiráðinu í Warsaw.